
Excellent! Challenging & supportive in equal measure. Widened my horizons personally and professionally. Powerful deep and profound.”
— Carole Bond Director Carbon Data Resources Ltd
You are often quiet, just listening; then you come in with a few words that capture things, or take the conversation to another level. You get to the heart of the matter, and make it look effortless.
— A Lamb, Head HR; Senior HR Strategist & Advisor SEB Bank
Very many thanks for all your assistance over the period since June 2017, which I think has really helped my development, helped me to be successful with this promotion and hopefully will help me in adapting to the demands of my new role.”
— House of Commons team member
Helen helped me to explore how to bring my coaching skills into a particularly stressful and confrontational episode between the company of which I am a Director and the company who distribute our product to. This was very time-sensitive, carried huge financial implications and its outcome, if not resolved, would have resulted in formal legal proceedings and a disruption to our business that would affect our commercial position as well as our reputation. Helen’s work with me was very powerful and a huge benefit, it helped me to bring clarity by not layering the message with niceties and ensuring that there is no ambiguity.
— Director Publishing company